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Your generosity helps support the programs    and mission of PPCC. 


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Why Give?

God employs His creation to support His creation. In the beginning He created man to be the chief steward of creation to tend the garden to tend and care for it. Likewise, when you are generous with the gifts God has given to you, you also become a vital part of the ongoing care of creation.


Throughout the Bible, God speaks about money, generosity, and the ongoing care of creation. Below are Biblical Scripture regarding God’s economy of generosity.


- God creates man to tend the garden (Gen. 2:15).


- God’s command to give the first and best as an offering (Ex. 23:19).


- The story of the poor widow’s generosity (Mark 12:42-44).


- Paul’s exhortation to be generous (2 Cor. 9:6-7).


- Those who proclaim the gospel should live by the gospel (1 Cor. 9:14).


- Sharing with the teachers of the Word (Gal. 6:6-7).


- The laborer deserves his wages (1 Tim. 5:17-18).


It  is not the building that makes the church, it's the community of the faithful, and we have a log of wonderful people to share fellowship with. But we're also lucky that we have such a beautiful place to worship.  


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